Recent Mold Remediation Posts

5 Facts About Mold You Should Know

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

Mold damage from Ventura home Mold damage from Ventura home

Mold is a common issue many homeowners face, especially in humid climates like Ventura. While most people are aware that mold can cause problems, there are several interesting facts about mold that aren't widely known. SERVPRO of Ventura is here to share five essential facts about mold that every homeowner should be aware of. Understanding these facts can help you prevent and manage mold growth in your home more effectively.

1. Mold Is Everywhere

Mold spores are naturally present in both indoor and outdoor environments. These microscopic spores float through the air and can enter your home through windows, doors, and even on your clothing and pets. It's nearly impossible to eliminate all mold spores from your environment, but understanding their ubiquitous nature can help you focus on controlling the conditions that encourage mold growth.

2. Mold Thrives on Moisture

Mold needs moisture to grow, which is why it's commonly found in damp or humid areas of the home such as bathrooms, kitchens, basements, and around leaky windows or roofs. Controlling moisture is key to preventing mold growth. Ensure your home is well-ventilated, use dehumidifiers in damp areas, fix leaks promptly, and keep areas prone to moisture dry.

3. Mold Can Grow on a Variety of Surfaces

While mold is often associated with organic materials like wood and paper, it can actually grow on a wide range of surfaces including fabric, carpet, insulation, and even tile and concrete if moisture is present. Regular cleaning and maintenance of these surfaces can help prevent mold growth. Make sure to address spills and leaks immediately and keep these surfaces dry.

4. Mold Can Appear in Different Colors

Mold is not just black or green. It can appear in a variety of colors, including white, yellow, blue, and even pink. The color of the mold can be influenced by the type of mold, the material it's growing on, and the conditions in which it's growing. Don't be fooled by color—any visible mold growth should be addressed promptly.

5. DIY Mold Removal Isn't Always Effective

While small patches of mold on non-porous surfaces can often be cleaned with household products, larger infestations or mold on porous materials like drywall and wood may require professional remediation. Inadequate cleaning can result in mold regrowth and spread. SERVPRO of Ventura has the expertise and equipment to handle mold problems of any size, ensuring thorough and effective removal.

Understanding these five facts about mold can help you take proactive steps to protect your home. If you suspect mold growth in your home, don’t hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Ventura. Our team of experts is ready to assess and address your mold issues, providing you with peace of mind and a healthier living environment.

Tackling Mold Damage: SERVPRO of Ventura Leads the Way

4/29/2024 (Permalink)

Mold damage from Ventura home Mold damage from Ventura home

In the serene coastal city of Ventura, California, mold may not always be top of mind amidst the sunny days and salty breezes. However, lurking behind closed doors, mold can silently wreak havoc on homes, causing structural damage and affecting indoor air quality. At SERVPRO of Ventura, we understand the importance of addressing mold damage promptly and effectively. Join us as we delve into the battle against mold and how our expert team is leading the charge to protect homes in Ventura County.

Mold, often underestimated, can pose significant risks to property. While it may start as a small, inconspicuous patch, mold can quickly spread, thriving in damp and humid environments. Beyond causing unsightly stains and odors, mold can weaken structures, compromise indoor air quality, and necessitate costly repairs. Recognizing these dangers, our mission at SERVPRO of Ventura is to combat mold head-on, safeguarding homes and restoring peace of mind to our community.

At SERVPRO of Ventura, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive approach to mold remediation. Our highly trained technicians utilize state-of-the-art equipment and industry-leading techniques to effectively remove mold and prevent its return. From thorough inspections to targeted treatments, we tailor our solutions to each unique situation, ensuring a thorough and lasting result. Our commitment to excellence has earned us the trust of Ventura residents, who rely on us to deliver reliable, efficient, and compassionate service.

Beyond addressing mold damage, we believe in empowering homeowners with knowledge and resources to prevent future outbreaks. Through educational outreach and proactive maintenance tips, we strive to arm our community with the tools they need to protect their homes. By fostering a culture of prevention and awareness, we aim to minimize the impact of mold and create safer living environments for all.

If you suspect mold in your Ventura home, don't wait until it's too late. Contact SERVPRO of Ventura today for swift and professional mold remediation services. Visit our website at to learn more about our expertise and schedule your consultation. Together, let's take a stand against mold and safeguard the beauty and integrity of Ventura County homes.

In the battle against mold, SERVPRO of Ventura stands as a beacon of expertise and reliability. With our dedicated team and proven solutions, we're committed to protecting homes and restoring peace of mind. Join us in the fight against mold – together, we can make Ventura safer and stronger than ever before.

Is Mold Damage Permanent?

4/8/2024 (Permalink)

Mold, a persistent problem in many homes, can silently infiltrate and wreak havoc on structures and belongings. For homeowners in humid climates like Ventura, the presence of mold can be particularly concerning. But amidst the frustration and worry, one question often arises: Is mold damage reversible? In this article, we'll delve into the nature of mold, its impact on homes, and explore whether there's hope for restoration.

Understanding Mold: Mold is a type of fungus that thrives in moist, humid environments. It reproduces by releasing tiny spores into the air, which can settle on surfaces and begin to grow when conditions are favorable. Common indoor molds include Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus, among others.

The Effects of Mold Damage: Beyond its unsightly appearance, mold can cause significant damage to buildings and belongings. It can discolor walls and ceilings, deteriorate wood and other organic materials, and produce a musty odor that permeates the air.

Assessing the Damage: When confronted with mold growth, it's essential to assess the extent of the damage. While minor mold infestations can sometimes be addressed with DIY methods, extensive mold growth requires professional intervention. Trained technicians, like those at SERVPRO of Ventura, utilize specialized equipment and techniques to effectively remove mold and restore affected areas.

Can Mold Damage be Reversed? The good news is that mold damage is often not permanent. With prompt action and proper remediation, it's possible to mitigate the damage and restore affected areas. Mold remediation typically involves containment of the affected area, removal and disposal of mold-infested materials, thorough cleaning and disinfection, and implementation of moisture control measures to prevent recurrence.

Preventing Future Mold Issues: Prevention is crucial to avoid future mold problems. Homeowners can take proactive measures such as fixing leaks promptly, maintaining proper ventilation, controlling humidity levels, and addressing any water damage promptly. Regular inspections can also help catch mold growth early, preventing it from spreading and causing further damage.

While mold damage can be a significant concern for homeowners, it's not necessarily permanent. With swift action and professional remediation, it's possible to restore affected areas and prevent mold from recurring. By understanding the nature of mold and taking preventive measures, homeowners in Ventura can protect their homes from the damaging effects of mold.

Why Bleach Isn't the Best Choice for Mold Cleanup?

2/26/2024 (Permalink)

walls with mold Mold Damage services SERVPRO of Ventura

When faced with the presence of mold, many homeowners instinctively reach for the familiar bottle of bleach, believing it to be the ultimate solution. However, contrary to popular belief, bleach may not be the most effective option for tackling mold growth. While its disinfectant properties are well-known, there are several reasons why using bleach for mold cleanup may not yield the desired results.

  1. Superficial Clean: Bleach can only remove mold from non-porous surfaces. Mold often grows in porous materials like drywall and wood, where its roots penetrate deep into the surface. Spraying bleach on such materials may clean the surface temporarily, but it doesn't address the underlying mold growth, allowing it to return.

  2. No Preventative Effect: Bleach is a harsh chemical that kills mold on contact, but it doesn't provide any residual protection against future growth. Once the bleach evaporates, any remaining mold spores can continue to proliferate if the moisture problem isn't resolved. Without addressing the moisture source, mold will likely reappear, rendering the bleach treatment ineffective in the long run.

  3. Toxicity to Some Materials: While bleach can be effective on hard, non-porous surfaces like glass or tile, it can be damaging to other materials commonly found in homes. Using bleach on surfaces such as wood or painted walls can cause discoloration, deterioration, or even structural damage over time.

  4. Potential Harmful Byproducts: When bleach comes into contact with other household cleaners, it can produce toxic fumes. Mixing bleach with ammonia, for example, creates a potentially deadly gas. Additionally, bleach residues left behind after cleaning can react with other chemicals, leading to the formation of harmful byproducts.

  5. Limited Long-Term Effectiveness: Mold is a resilient organism that can adapt and develop resistance to certain cleaning agents over time, including bleach. Repeated use of bleach may lead to the survival of more resistant mold strains, making future cleanup efforts even more challenging.

Given these limitations, it's clear that bleach may not be the best solution for effectively addressing mold growth in the home. Instead, homeowners facing a mold problem should consider enlisting the help of professionals who specialize in mold remediation. Professional services, like those offered by SERVPRO of Ventura , utilize advanced techniques and equipment to not only remove existing mold but also to identify and address the underlying moisture issues to prevent future growth.

While bleach may seem like a quick and easy fix for mold, its effectiveness is limited, and it may not provide the long-term solutions needed to ensure a mold-free environment. By understanding the shortcomings of bleach and seeking professional assistance when necessary, homeowners can effectively combat mold and maintain a healthy living space for themselves and their families.

Why Bleach Isn't the Answer for Home Mold Removal?

11/27/2023 (Permalink)

man looking at mold in his home Mold Remediation SERVPRO of Ventura

Dealing with mold in your home requires effective solutions, and at SERVPRO of Ventura, we're dedicated to providing the best approaches. Many people turn to bleach as a quick fix for mold, but there are important reasons to reconsider this method. This post discusses why bleach might not be the ideal choice for mold remediation.

Understanding Mold: Mold is a common issue in many homes, thriving in moist environments. Effective removal is crucial to maintain the integrity of your home.

Why Bleach Isn't Ideal: While bleach is a popular household cleaner, it's not always the best choice for mold removal. Here’s why:

  • Surface-Level Cleaning: Bleach can clean mold off non-porous surfaces but fails to penetrate deep into porous materials, allowing mold to potentially regrow.
  • Material Concerns: Regular use of bleach can cause certain materials to deteriorate, which might indirectly contribute to conditions favorable for mold growth.

SERVPRO's Mold Remediation Approach: At SERVPRO of Ventura, we take a more comprehensive approach to tackle mold:

  • Thorough Inspections: Our experts conduct detailed inspections to identify all mold-affected areas.
  • Advanced Techniques and Products: We use state-of-the-art equipment and EPA-approved products for effective mold removal.
  • Moisture Control Solutions: Handling the underlying moisture issues is crucial. We offer solutions for controlling moisture and improving air circulation.

Opting for the right method in mold remediation is essential for the longevity and safety of your home. Bleach, while common, may not offer the most effective solution. Trust the professionals at SERVPRO of Ventura for thorough and reliable mold remediation services.

Contact Us: Experience mold issues in your home? Contact SERVPRO of Ventura for expert mold remediation services.

DIY Mold Remediation: Guide from SERVPRO of Ventura

10/23/2023 (Permalink)

man with cleaning materials Mold Remediation Services of SERVPRO of Ventura

Discovering mold in your home can be a challenge, and it's natural to want to take immediate action. While SERVPRO of Ventura stands ready to tackle mold infestations of all sizes, some homeowners may choose to address smaller areas of mold themselves. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the DIY mold remediation process, helping you understand when you can manage it on your own and when it’s time to call in the experts.

Understanding Mold Growth

Mold belongs to the fungi family and is present both inside and outside homes. It thrives in damp, warm, and humid environments, growing on a variety of materials including wood, carpet, and paper. Common causes of mold growth in homes include leaky roofs, plumbing leaks, and high humidity.

Assessing the Mold Situation

Before you decide to tackle mold remediation yourself, it’s crucial to assess the situation:

  1. Size of the Mold Infestation: According to the EPA, if the moldy area is less than about ten square feet, you might be able to manage the remediation yourself. Larger areas should be addressed by professionals.

  2. Location of Mold: If the mold is in a hard-to-reach area or within your HVAC system, it’s best to call in the professionals to ensure thorough removal.

Steps for DIY Mold Remediation

If you’ve determined that the mold situation in your home is manageable, follow these steps to safely and effectively address the issue:

  1. Ensure Personal Safety: Wear protective gear including a mask, gloves, and goggles. Ensure the area is well-ventilated.

  2. Identify and Address the Moisture Source: Before cleaning up the mold, locate and fix the source of moisture to prevent future growth.

  3. Isolate the Area: Use plastic sheets and tape to seal off the affected area, preventing the spread of mold spores.

  4. Clean and Disinfect: Use a mild detergent to clean mold off hard surfaces. Follow up with a disinfectant to kill any remaining spores.

  5. Dispose of Moldy Materials: Materials that are heavily infested and cannot be cleaned should be sealed in plastic bags and disposed of properly.

  6. Dry the Area Thoroughly: Use fans or dehumidifiers to ensure the area is completely dry.

  7. Prevent Future Growth: Address any ongoing moisture issues and regularly inspect the area for signs of mold returning.

Knowing When to Call SERVPRO of Ventura

While some smaller mold infestations can be handled with a DIY approach, there are times when it’s best to call in the professionals. If the mold covers a large area, if it’s located in your HVAC system, or if you have concerns about effectively removing it, SERVPRO of Ventura is here to help. Our team of trained specialists uses advanced technology and techniques to ensure that the mold is thoroughly removed and that your home is protected against future growth.

Addressing mold in your home is important for maintaining a clean and comfortable living environment. While some situations may be suitable for a DIY approach, it's essential to know your limits and when to call in the experts. SERVPRO of Ventura is your local resource for professional mold remediation, ensuring that your home stays in top condition.

SERVPRO of Ventura – Your trusted resource for expert mold remediation.

Is Mold Remediation Services Worth It?

10/2/2023 (Permalink)

Woman looking at the mold damage on the wall Mold Damage Remediation Services Ventura California

Mold. Just the word can send shivers down the spines of homeowners and business owners alike. It's not just about unsightly patches on walls or that distinct musty odor. Mold can have significant impacts and devalue your property. So, the big question arises: Is investing in mold remediation services worth it? Let's delve into this topic with insights from the experts at SERVPRO of Ventura.

1. Understanding Mold Growth

Mold spores are everywhere - in the air we breathe, on surfaces we touch, and even on the food we eat. However, given the right conditions, these spores can quickly grow and proliferate, leading to visible mold growth. Factors like moisture, warmth, and organic material can create the perfect environment for mold. Homes and businesses in Ventura, with its coastal climate, can be especially susceptible.

2. The Value of Your Property

Mold growth can lead to structural damage. Materials like wood, paper, carpet, and insulation can get ruined. Moreover, visible mold patches or a strong musty odor can significantly decrease the value of a property. For businesses, it can deter customers and lead to a loss of revenue. Investing in mold remediation can help maintain or even increase the value of your property.

3. The Expertise of SERVPRO of Ventura

Not all mold remediation services are equal. SERVPRO of Ventura stands out because of its expertise and commitment to quality. Their trained professionals understand the science behind mold growth and have the tools and techniques to effectively tackle mold issues. They not only remove the mold but also address the source of moisture causing the mold, ensuring a long-term solution.

4. Cost vs. Long-Term Benefits

While there's a cost attached to professional mold remediation, it's essential to view it as an investment. In the long run, the benefits of mold remediation with a trusted service like SERVPRO of Ventura far outweigh the initial costs.

In the debate over the worth of mold remediation services, the answer is a resounding "yes." With the potential risks and property damage associated with mold, it's a no-brainer to invest in quality remediation. And when you choose a reputable company like SERVPRO of Ventura, you can rest easy knowing you're in good hands.

Effective Mold Remediation Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide by SERVPRO of Ventura

6/30/2023 (Permalink)

mold damage ventura mold seen under the wall.

Discovering mold growth in your home can be a cause for concern. It's natural to wonder whether you can tackle the problem yourself or if professional assistance is necessary. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of DIY mold remediation, focusing on the question: "Can I remove mold myself?" If you're a resident of Ventura County, SERVPRO of Ventura is a reputable company offering professional mold remediation services. Let's delve into the topic and discuss the best approach to mold removal.

Understanding the Pros of DIY Mold Remediation:

There are certain advantages to consider when contemplating DIY mold remediation:

  1. Cost Savings: By taking on the task yourself, you can potentially save money on professional service fees. Mold remediation can be costly, and if the affected area is small and easily accessible, you might be able to handle it without incurring significant expenses.

  2. Immediate Action: When you notice mold growth, it's essential to address it promptly to prevent further spread. With DIY remediation, you can take immediate action without having to wait for professional assistance, minimizing potential damage.

  3. Control and Convenience: DIY mold removal allows you to control the process. You can choose the techniques, products, and timing that suit your preferences and schedule.

When to Seek Professional Mold Remediation Services:

While DIY mold remediation may be suitable for minor and easily accessible mold problems, there are instances when professional assistance is strongly recommended:

  1. Extensive Mold Growth: Professional expertise is crucial if the mold covers a large area or is present in hard-to-reach places. Trained technicians have the knowledge and equipment to identify hidden mold and address extensive infestations effectively.

  2. Structural Damage: Mold growth can weaken structures and compromise the integrity of your home. Professional remediation experts can assess and repair any structural damage caused by mold, ensuring your property remains safe and sound.

  3. Recurring Mold Issues: If you've attempted DIY mold removal in the past, but the mold keeps coming back, it's a clear sign that there's an underlying issue that needs professional attention. Mold remediation professionals can identify and address the root cause of the problem, preventing future recurrence.


DIY mold remediation can be a viable option for small, accessible mold growth situations. It offers cost savings, immediate action, and a sense of control. For extensive mold infestations, hidden mold, structural damage, or recurring problems, it's advisable to seek the expertise of professionals like SERVPRO of Ventura. They have the necessary knowledge, experience, and equipment to ensure thorough mold removal and prevent future issues. Choose the approach that aligns best with your circumstances and prioritize the well-being of your home and loved ones.


4/10/2023 (Permalink)

mold remediation mold remediation

Mold is a common problem that many homeowners must deal with at one point or another. In some cases, you may discover that it is growing in multiple locations within your house. If this is happening, then you may be unintentionally spreading mold throughout the building. Below are few ways in which mold can spread.


Humidity can lead to several issues, including health problems. For homeowners, humidity brings about the threat of mold growth. To prevent mold growth, you must take precautions to prevent humidity for mold growth. Humidity in the air can provide the moisture needed for mold growth. Always keep your indoor relative humidity below 60 percent (between 30 percent and 50 percent).


Proper ventilation is vital for circulating new, clean air and helps it move throughout the home, thus preventing allergens from spreading. Poor ventilation can cause mold growth. When moisture combines with poor air circulation, a humid and moist environment will form. This is the ideal environment for mold growth. Seal your house form energy leaks and ensure proper ventilation so air can move throughout the house.


Black mold need moisture to grow, so if you are noticing fungus in many different areas of the house, then it is likely you have multiple instances of water damage. This can be caused by something simple like a leaking pipe or may be the result of a storm. If this is the case, you should have the damage repaired quickly to prevent the mold growth from getting worse.

If you have questions about mold, meet with our mold experts for professional advice. We will examine your mold problem and the damage. Call us at SERVPRO of Ventura at (805) 656-3911.


2/6/2023 (Permalink)

old water damage in ceiling, discoloration Water damage in Ceiling caused to have discoloration.

The most frequent form of property damage is cased by water and the are numerous ways it can occur. Nature, for one, can be the culprit through sudden storms and flooding. A common offender are sneaky slow leaks. The worst and most unmistakable type of water loss would be sewage backup. If you are not sure when the water loss. Here are our top guidelines if sign of water damage is from something new or old.

  1. Material affected

Hard materials such as brick take a long time to show damage. So whether currently damp or not, the problem has probably been around for a while. For other materials, the problem could be old or new. Wood may warp, split, or buckle. You'll probably notice that immediately for hardwood floors, but it may be awhile before you spot problems inside cabinets and in other out-of-the way places.

  1. Are there rings?

Drywall, hardwood floors, along with other porous materials can develop “rings” if they’ve suffered water damage during a lengthy time period. If it occurs a couple of times, the result is similar to a number of rings of water damage, some big and some small. The origin of water might be a pipe that just runs occasionally, such as the supply pipe into the shower.

  1. Mildew and Microbial Growth

Water, especially stagnant water, attracts and produces perfect conditions for mold spores to grow and form colonies. If there is a moisture, microbial growth is never far behind, usually occurring 24 to 48 hours after the initial water loss. Therefore, you spot what you think could be some growth, the loss may be older and would need immediate attention.

Water damage costs American homes and businesses some billion every year, each claim nearly thousand of dollars. So it doesn’t matter if the damage is old or new. If the leak is ongoing, immediate action can reduce or even eliminate the cost of water damage restoration and repairs. Call for a professional water damage restoration service. SERVPRO of Ventura can remedy the problem. Call us at (805) – 656 – 3911.


11/11/2022 (Permalink)

mold damage ventura mold damage ventura

As weather pattern change and storms becomes more intense and prevelent, the potential for water damage and subsequent mold growth increases as well. Water in your home or building is disconcerning  thought. Whenever you have a water loss, it is a nerve-racking experience. You have to worry about cleaning up the water and drying out what’s affected. Sometimes you need to take care of these on you own, other times a professional company like SERVPRO of Ventura, need to come in and assess and then clean. With any water loss, mold should be worry but when does water actually causes mold growth. Below are different types of water damage that can cause mold growth.

  1. Sewage back-up from flooding in the area.
  2. Plumbing or root lease
  3. Damp basement or crawl space
  4. Overflows from sinks fro bathtub
  5. High humidity
  6. Any type of stagnant water in you home

Mold will begin to grow 24- 48 hours after the initial water damage. If you discover the source of damage, stop it quickly and clean the mess. If the water is not dried out within that time, a professional may apply antimicrobial products to prevent growth.

Experiencing a water damage disaster is enough stress on its own. Always seek for professional advice. If you experience these kind of emergencies, call SERVPRO of Ventura at (805) 656 – 3911.


10/21/2022 (Permalink)

mold remediation removal mold remediation removal

If you notice mold in your home, getting rid of it is your number one priority. If left untreated, they can spread rapidly and cause structural damage over time. That’s why it’s important to know what you’re looking for so you can find the right help for your home. To assist you in your search, here is our guide to the difference between mold removal and mold remediation. All these are the same thing, but there are few things that separate these activities.

Mold Removal Vs Mold Remediation

Mold removal involves the physical removal of mold spores present. Meanwhile, with mold remediation, a professional will work to revert the mold levels in the area back to their normal and natural state. You cannot remove mold in the atmosphere entirely because the mold spores are airborne – which means you cannot always see them your naked eye. They appear and thrive in indoor and outdoor environments so you will always encounter mold one way or another.

If you can’t eliminate mold off your property for good, the best thing you can do is call professionals to eliminate mold remediation to return the mold levels to an acceptable level. Specialist will clean the spores and modify their levels to prevent them from causing harm to you and your family.


Sanitization is the reduction of airborne contaminants and surface mold that is less than 10 square feet. The goal is a dramatic reduction of airborne spore count.

SERVPRO of Ventura can do all these three. We use cold sterilant to sanitize the entire home. We apply our same thoroughness to all aspects of the process whether, remediation, removal or sanitization.

If you’re looking for mold remediation in your area, SERVPRO of Ventura can remedy the problem affordably and safely for you and your family. Call us at


5/6/2022 (Permalink)

Fridge with Mold Mold Growth in Fridge

When a fridge being used is turned off for some time, or if there is a power failure for more than an hour, a bad odor begins to develop inside. The moisture inside your refrigerator and the presence of spoiling foods are ideal conditions for mold growth. The following are good help to prevent the mold growth inside refrigerator.

  1. Be Accountable

Everyone who uses the communal refrigerator should keep track of what put in, when they put it in, and when it needs discarding. If employees have difficulty remembering, they can put date labels on each item.

  1. Regular cleaning

It is important to clean the refrigerator regularly with warm water. Nowadays, cleaning solutions are sold by companies itself, which is food safe. Cleaning solutions from companies are recommended over soap solutions. Remember to take out all racks, drawers and removable parts. After cleaning, dry all parts with a soft cloth.

  1. Keep Dry

The interiors of refrigerators should be kept dry. Spilled over liquids like milk, curd or even water should be wiped away on time to avoid stains and mold accumulating over it. Make sure to dry seals as well. Moisture inside the fridge will attract mold.

If you have questions about mold, meet with our mold experts for professional advice. We will examine your mold problem and the damage.

Call us at: SERVPRO of Ventura at (805) 656-3911.


4/15/2022 (Permalink)

bleach Bleach is not for Mold

When mold appears on walls and tiles in the bathroom, walls and tiles, many homeowners reach for bleach and harsh chemicals to treat the problem. But according to experts, this is actually one of the worst ways to remove the toxic growth from your home.

The Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administrations (OSHA) no longer recommend the use of bleach because using chlorine bleach to kill mold is one the worst things can do. Bleach contains 90 percent of water and mold loves it. When bleach is applied, the chlorine quickly evaporated after use leaving behind a lot of water. The water soaks into porous surface allowing the mold to flourish and re-grow in the moist environment. Bleach feeds the internal mold spores.

Bleach is ineffective in the long run. It only helps you mask the mold for a short period. After you have applied bleach to a porous surface, the mold’s dark green color removed. However, the roots of the molds which have reached deep into the insides continue to grow. It does not stop harmful mold spores from spreading within the house.

Bleach is toxic. It considered as a toxic chemical and classified the same as gasoline. It is also harmful to your skin. When bare skin is expose, it creates a hydrolysis reaction which means the oily feeling on the top of the layer of your skin starts to dissolve.

Think twice before you considering the DIY. There are many factors that need to be evaluated when deciding whether you should clean up the mold yourself or hire a professional. DIY mold removal could create a bigger mess and can cost you more money in the long run.

If you have questions about mold, meet with our mold experts for professional advice. We will examine your mold problem and the damage.

Call us at: SERVPRO of Ventura at (805) 656-3911.


8/27/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Damage in Ventura California Mold Damage in Ventura California


Any type of mold in the home is a concern and may be linked to certain health effects. Mold growth generally requires specific conditions to remain active spread contamination. Home owners often ask a very good question. With how difficult it is to remove? Does mold die when it’s dry?

Mold is a fungus, a living organism that grows, breeds and requires nourishment to survive. Mold thrives and multiples when the environment supplies moisture, nourishment and warmth. Moisture is generally considered to be the definite trigger that promotes active fungal growth. No moisture – no mold.

When Mold Lack of Moisture, will they die?

Moisture deprived mold may indeed appear dried – up and lifeless. It is without moisture to keep it active, the mold fungus mass stops growing and becomes inert. When mold lacks moisture, the fungi will hibernate, it will die and dry out. Once moisture is available, spores become reactivated. Depending on the species, mold can stay dormant for years. Keeping your humidity level between 30 – 60 percent helps manage the prevention of mold growth. Active mold requires remediation to ensure it will not begin to grow again.

Dry mold can cause problem?

When mold dries out, the spores become temporarily inactive. But dry mold spores are still able to cause undesirable health effects. Dry mold spores become light without moisture weighing hem down. This allows them to become airborne and it is one of the easiest way for mold to spread. Even dry and inactive, when mold is present, health effects can occur. Depending on the species of mold and an individual’s immune response, reaction to mold may vary.

The best way to fight and prevent mold from affecting your home is through complete removal. Our professional mold remediation team is here to help.

If you have questions about mold, meet with our mold experts for professional advice. We will examine your mold problem and the damage.

Call us at: SERVPRO of Ventura at (805) 656-3911.


4/19/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Damage in Ventura California Mold Damage in Ventura California


Mold are fungus that have different types. They can occur both indoors and outdoors. They produce spores, which spread by floating around in the air. They can grow on variety of surfaces, including fabric, papers, wood, glass and plastic. Molds eat the materials they grow on; those materials end up damaged or degraded.

It is crucial to prevent mold infestations in your home or commercial building. However, you cannot do it by preventing moisture alone. Mold is unable to digest inorganic materials such as concrete, glass and metal, but it can digest and grow on the dirt, dust and organic residue that accumulates on them, so it is important to clean your home or business regularly.

  1. General Surfaces

Mold feeds on any organic material around. Dust is one of these prominent, which is composed of bacteria, dead skin cells, soil and more. Dust gathers on surface that is not cleaned regularly. Regular cleaning of the entire location is important. Target obvious surfaces and tight corners where dust accumulates.

  1. Air Vents

The best way to prevent mold air in your air duct is to keep the HVAC ducts clean. When your ducts go a long time without being cleaned, mold can begin to build up and impact home’s air quality for the worse. When it comes to cleaning your ducts, contact HVAC professional.

  1. Carpets and Rugs

Carpeting is an area of the home that can be at risk for mold growth, Mold needs moisture, oxygen, a food source and a surface to grow on. If spores land on a wet or damp area that contains dust, mold growth will follow. Carpets and rugs can provide an ample breeding ground for mold if conditions are right. Prevent mold growth with dedicated carpet cleaning and vacuuming. Place mats in each entrance to reduce carpet contamination.

If you think that your home or business needs some CLEANING, we at SERVPRO of Ventura  are here to help. Call us at (805) 656-3911. All of our cleanup practices are in accordance with the guidelines provided by the CDC and local authorities.


4/5/2021 (Permalink)

building in ventura california MOLD: IS IT HIDING IN THE BUILDING YOU ARE BUYING?


No one wants a property with a mold problem. Unfortunately, these little spores aren’t always easy to detect. If you’re buying a house or a building, you may wonder whether you need a mold inspection. These inspections can be costly, if you want to buy a property, look for these signs that you may need to call a mold inspector.

  1. Interior humidity levels are high

An indoor humidity level is too high when it’s above 50 percent. At this level, your home or building is susceptible go increased dust mite infestation, as well as mildew, mold growth and bacteria. Damp spaces are ideal breeding grounds for mold and bacteria.

  1. Visible signs of Water Damage

Most of us like to think that we will be able to spot sign of water damage in a property. If water damage is not cleaned up thoroughly, he remaining moisture can lead to mold growth. Visible signs of past water damage, such as stains, peeling or warped walls and floors, indicate that past cleanup efforts were inadequate.

  1. Record Disclose Past Water Damage

Burst pipes or leak causes water damage, moisture can remain and lead to mold growth. Mold destroys the surface while it grows which cause hidden structural damage.

  1. Ordinary Inspections Indicates Leaks

Early detection can save your money and avert potential disaster. A general inspection to a building costs less than a mold specialist. Inspection can call attention to issues other than mold. Choose some inspectors who use thermal imager as part of their inspection. Thermal imaging can indicate hidden leaks or damp areas.

If you have questions about mold, meet with our mold experts for professional advice. We will examine your mold problem and the damage.

Call us at: SERVPRO of Ventura  at (805) 656-3911.


3/19/2021 (Permalink)

Mold Remediation vs Mold Removal Services Ventura, California Mold Remediation vs Mold Removal Services Ventura, California


Most of us tend to think that mold remediation is the same as mold removal. Others confuse with the two terms as well. Well the truth is, there is a significant difference between mold removal and mold remediation. Below explain the differences to help us understand exactly what our mold removal team means when we reference one of these service.

What is Mold Remediation?

It focuses on taking actions that return mold levels back to a natural level. This does not remove all of the mold on the property. Mold remediation process commences with the taking of air samples. This addresses the causes of a mold outbreak to help stop it from happening all over again. SERVPRO of Ventura have professionals that have the training and expertise to remediate the mold in your home or your business.

What is mold removal?

This is necessary when there is mold build up. A low level of mold will not require a mold removal. If the mold gradually accumulates and it is dangerous to health, the mold must be removed. Mold inspection will be performed, to determine if mold is present, measure its level and remove if it’s necessary. Our team at SERVPRO of Ventura knows exactly where to look for moisture that leads to mold growth.

If you have questions about mold, meet with our mold experts for professional advice. We will examine your mold problem and the damage.

Call us at: SERVPRO of Ventura at (805) 656-3911.


10/2/2020 (Permalink)

Common Mold Myths Mold Remediation Removal Services Ventura, California


Mold is generally not anyone’s friend. Mentioning the word mold can send people into state of panic. Mold can be a serious problem. But sometimes misinformation about mold, it is easy to overreact. You can make good decisions when dealing with mold in your home by separating facts from myths. Here are facts about mold that many really didn’t know.

Mold Misinterpretation #1: All Mold Is Bad

Mold contributes to the cheese’s robust flavor. It is also used in the fermentation process of certain wines, and the pharmaceutical industry uses certain forms of it to develop powerful antibiotics.

Mold Misinterpretation #2: Bleach Kills Mold

Bleach is also able to kill mold spores, but it cannot penetrate deep into porous surfaces. As such, it can only kill mold on surfaces. It should be noted that using bleach to “kill” mold poses its own health risks and is not a recommended solution by EPA or OSHA.

Mold Misinterpretation #3: There Should Be No Mold Inside

Mold is all around us and is very natural. There are mold spores in the air you are breathing. Mold inside your home is not really much problem but it’s the concentration of mold inside the house. Mold should not be growing in your walls or on surfaces as that can be a problem and contribute to allergic reactions.

Mold Misinterpretation #4: All Mold Causes Health Problems

Mold certainly can cause health effects, but it is not true that all molds cause health problems in all people. Mold produce allergens and some people are allergic to the allergens, but not everyone will react to the allergens caused by mold.

Mold Misinterpretation #5: Killing Mold is Enough

You might think that killing the mold that is growing on your wall would end all of your mold damage problems. The mold also has a high chance of coming back if the source of the mold growth has not been dealt with. Care must be taken when removing the affected areas. Professional mold remediation services are often necessary to properly fix a mold problem.

If your home or building is dealing with mold, SERVPRO of Ventura offers full mold remediation services. By using full containment procedures and utilizing air scrubbers and negative air machines, mold growth and mold spores are carefully removed and the area effectively cleaned.

Contact us at (805) 656-3911


8/21/2020 (Permalink)



Personal Protective Equipment is necessary in removing mold. When cleaning mold growth, the priority is to protect everyone. The process of cleaning up mold exposes you to potentially hazardous mold spores. Personal protective equipment keeps a mold remediation team safe while helping to prevent cross-contamination. Here are the types of cleanup of mold PPE.

  1. Disposable Gloves

When removing moldy materials, skin should be protected from coming into contact with mold, as well as from the chemicals in cleaning solutions. It’s important to wear form-fitting disposable gloves. The gloves should be removed between work sessions before leaving the affected area, and replaced with new ones upon return.

  1. Disposable Hair Covers

They are necessary to keep mold spores from settling in your hair, which can later be inhaled or transferred throughout the building. When taking a break, the hair cover in use should be disposed of and a new one put on before work resumes.

  1. Disposable Shoe Covers

They are necessary to make sure mold spores are not tracked from the work area into the rest of the house. Just like the disposable gloves and hair covers, disposable shoe covers should be removed and disposed of when taking a break from work.

  1. Clothing/Tyvek Suits

Tyvek suits are preferable for mold remediation since they’re disposable. This type of suit can be worn over regular clothes and disposed of once work is completed.

  1. Safety Goggles

Safety goggles are recommended to protect your eyes from mold spores and from other debris stirred up during the mold removal process. It also protects the eyes from harsh chemicals.

  1. Air-Purifying Respirator (Face Mask)

An air-purifying respirator needs to be worn during mold cleanup. An N-95 mask will filter out 95% of all particles and is usually fine for this work. You can get disposable or reusable. It is probably the most important piece of personal protective equipment for mold removal.

It’s important to protect people and uncontaminated areas from exposure to mold. If you need assistance with mold removal, please call us SERVPRO of Ventura at (805) 656-3911. We have the training, equipment, and expertise.


7/24/2020 (Permalink)



Mold can grow on carpet, clothing, food, paper, and in places you can't see. It is spread via spores and cannot be completely eradicated. It is a common and serious problem. Luckily, there are a few things you can do so you can you minimize risk of pesky mold popping up in your building.

  1. Clean Your Building Regularly

To prevent this fungus from growing, it is important to keep your building clean. This will help to remove the spores before they spread.

  1. Make Repairs Right Away

Leaky roofs, unsealed windows and door frames are problems causing mold to grow. Repair building issues as soon as they occur. Always try to catch leaks and water damage before the wetness can lead to a moldy disaster.

  1. Keep Humidity Low

A leak is not the only the reason that can cause mold to grow. The climate in which building resides may mean humidity is always at a high. Damp air makes it easy for mold to grow. Consider installing dehumidifiers, or running smaller units in basements and attics help keep things dry.

  1. Hire a Professional for Removal

If you already have mold in your building, do not try to remove it on your own. Mold cleanup can actually cause the fungus to spread further if done incorrectly. To effectively prevent mold from growing, you need a mold remediation specialist. Working with a mold remediation specialist can help ensure that any existing problems are responded to quickly and that moving ahead, you’ll stay free and clear of mold-related damage and health concerns.

Any property can quickly become infested with mold if a source of water is present. Mold can spread throughout a property in as little as 48 hours if you suspect your building has a mold problem, you should call us SERVPRO of Ventura. We have the training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If you see a sign of mold, please call us SERVPRO of Ventura at (805) 656-3911.

Nine Ways to Prevent Mold Growth

10/17/2018 (Permalink)

Ways to Prevent Mold Growth

Yes, mold can be good or can be a problem.

Mold can grow anywhere; can spread easily and cannot be completely eradicated. It is a problem that’s difficult and costly to fix, but it can also produce allergens and irritants that may compromise your health.

Here are ways to curb moisture indoors and the mold that thrives on it.

Do an audit of your home - where are the problem areas? Flood in the basement? condensation on an upstairs window? Water stain on the ceiling from a persistent leak? Identify problem areas in your home and correct them. Prevent mold from growing or spreading. Whatever the case, it is better to address the problem now. It might cost some money up front, but it will surely cost more down the road if it’s left unchecked.

Proper ventilation. It may be that your routine domestic activities are encouraging the growth of mold in your home. Make sure any domestic activities you do as simple as cooking dinner, taking a shower, or doing a load of laundry doesn't invite mold by providing proper ventilation in any high-moisture area. Clothes dryers, stoves — vent appliances that produce moisture to the outside. Open a window when cooking or washing dishes or showering or run an exhaust fan.

Dry wet areas immediately, mold can't grow without moisture. Seepage into the basement after a heavy rainfall, accumulation from a leaky pipe, a spill on the carpet should be dried within 24 to 48 hours. If you experienced a flood, remove water-damaged carpets, bedding, and furniture if they can't be completely dried.

Monitor humidity indoors. Indoor humidity as EPA recommends should be kept between 30 and 60 percent. Humidity can be measured with a moisture meter purchased from your local hardware store. High humidity can also be detected by simply paying attention to potential problem areas in your home. If you notice condensation, dry the surface immediately and address the source of moisture.

Equip your home with mold-resistant products. Whether you’re building or renovating a new home, use mold-resistant products like mold-resistant drywall and mold inhibitors for paints.

Direct water away from your home. The ground should be sloped away from the foundation, water may collect there and seep into your crawlspace or basement if it’s not sufficiently sloped away.

Clean or repair roof gutters. Regularly clean your roof gutters and get it inspected for damage. Repair them as necessary and keep an eye out for water stains after storms that may indicate a leak.

Improving the air flow in your home. According to the EPA, as temperatures drop, the air can hold less moisture. Excess moisture may appear on your walls, windows and floors without good air flow. Increase circulation, let fresh air in to reduce moisture and keep mold at bay.

Educate yourself. Knowing what works for your climate and your home is an important first step.

One of the benefits to choosing professional restoration through our SERVPRO team is that we have your interest at heart. Give SERVPRO a call anytime that you need us at (805) 656-3911.

MOLD 101

10/17/2018 (Permalink)

- Foods that contains wheat grow mold which is black when exposed.

- There are also allergen molds. They are the green molds, not poisonous but allergen to humans. Both black and green mold can trigger sneezing fits, and the affected person may have itchy red eyes when they've inhaled or touched the mold.  They have devastating effects on asthmatic individuals.

- Orange and Yellow molds that rarely grow indoors are non-toxic. They tend to grow on decaying organic matter and wood.

- Pathogenic mold can cause diseases, especially to the respiratory system, for persons with weakened immune systems or newborn babies.

- Toxic Mold: Toxic mold, most commonly referred to as black mold, is poisonous when inhaled or touched, and has been linked to cancer in some cases.

Give SERVPRO a call anytime that you need us at (805) 656-3911.

Does Your Ventura County Home Have A Mold Problem?

5/2/2018 (Permalink)

In Ventura County, mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.

Got Mold?

8/23/2016 (Permalink)

Mold can spread through a home in as little as 48 hours.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation